Monday, December 22, 2008

Jingle bells Seiya smells

Oh how he does.Anyway how did we end up being so busy.I can practically name them all

  • Cub Scout Rain gutter Regatta

  • Branch Christmas Party

  • Primary Christmas Carnival

  • Happy Birthday to Grandpa "Candy" and Aunt Susan

  • Rice Krispie Gingerbread Houses

  • Making goodies for neighbors

  • Fixing up cookies for Santa Clause

  • Watching marathons of Christmas movies

  • Writing "Jingle Bells, Seiya Smells" (me)

Now for some Christmas pics and uh... and remember what you paid to get in.Where can you get a ski trip on GuamIs there any Santa Clause cuter?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Gift giveaway

The best deal of the holiday!Go on down to oNe GiRl iN ThIs WoRlD.A holiday organizer is the prize.
Three reasons why this blog is totally cool:
  1. It's awesometastic
  2. It's funtastic
  3. It's fantastic

Tis' the season to be jolly
